Use These 7 Sites to Navigate Social Media Video Marketing

April 9, 2020

video marketing

Today, video content is driving the internet.

People like to watch videos more than reading articles on the internet. That’s why most social media platforms have turned into video-inclusive platforms. Facebook has surpassed YouTube in daily view minutes.

Not only Facebook, but all othersocial media platformslike Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, and many others are also getting more engagement from their users on videos. And it is increasing day by day.

If you are a marketer or a business owner, you should be including videos in yourcontent marketingefforts. If you don’t, you’ll miss your marketing effort's potential and business as well.

How video can elevate your social media marketing efforts

Video content consumption is increasing because people love to watch videos more than other content formats. To engage your future customers with your business,social media promotionis key. By creating video content, customers are able to both consumer your content and engage with your brand.

Video content can deeply connect users with your brand than text or any other format. If you're still not convinced, ask a social media user about the importance of videos, and take a look at these stats fromSmartInsightsandOberlo:

  • 85% of all internet users in the USA watch videos.
  • 90% of marketers say that videos are giving them higher ROI.
  • People spend around 100 minutes a day watching videos online.
  • 6 out of 10 people prefer to watch online videos than television.
  • On YouTube, people watch more than 1 billion hours of videos each day.
  • Social media posts with videos have more engagement than normal text posts.
  • Social media ads with videos cost less and perform better than text or image ads.

Videos are one of the hottest数字营销trends and provide better results. That’s why most brands are using videos to grow their businesses online. It’s not about a single niche; videos are performing well for all types and levels of businesses.

无论商业或其大小,视频can still help you grow your brand online and help you create deep connections with your audience. These days, there are many platforms to promote your business with videos, so it might be hard to choose the right one for your needs.

Here are the seven best social media platforms that support video marketing and can help almost every business grow.

7 social media platforms that support video marketing

There are many platforms that you can use to promote your business, but here are the most popular social media platforms that can be helpful for any business, and ultimately help you with video marketing.

1. YouTube

YouTube is the home of videos and the one of the most popular search engines. Many businesses have got good results withYouTube marketing. There are few ways to use YouTube to grow your business.

YouTube organic

You can use YouTube organically (free) to grow your business presence on YouTube. For that, you need to create your YouTube channel and publish quality videos on that. You need to optimize your videos with proper title and tags, detailed video descriptions, and attractive thumbnails.

To get the full advantage of YouTube organic, your videos must be able to engage your audience so you can get maximum watch time, views, shares, comments, and likes on your videos. If it happens, the YouTube algorithm will automatically show your videos to other YouTube users through their home feed, auto-suggested, similar videos, and YouTube search.

If you're really lucky, you'll end up on the YouTube trending list. But it could take some time, especially for a new channel. And to ensure your content ranks, you need to be familiar withYouTube SEOtechniques.

YouTube ads

YouTube ads are the paid method to reach your targeted audience. YouTube offers different types of ads like trueview ads, in-stream ads, and pre-roll ads. There are different cost criteria for different ads on different basis like CPV (cost per view), CPA (cost per action), and CPI (cost per install). YouTube ads can help you get instant results and to grow your new channel.

YouTube influencers

YouTube影响力是t趋势的方法之一o get advantage of YouTube. Brands are using this method to generate buzz and drive sales for their products. To do this, you need to hire (collab) YouTube creators who have a decent subscriber base. Then, that creator will create videos about your business or products and grow your business and sales.

Google search

If you optimize your videos properly with YouTube SEO techniques, then you can get tons of free traffic for your business with the help of YouTube videos. Google shows YouTube videos on Google SERP for various queries. If you optimize your videos, you can easily get more traffic from Google search, too.

It's easier thanranking a website on Google. Another method is going live on YouTube to show something exclusive or for Q&A sessions. It will help you engage and grow your audience.

2. Snapchat

Snapchat was the first platform to capitalize short-videos and now it is one of the most popular social media platforms.Snapchathas more than 360 million active users. Around 38% of Snapchat users are not using Facebook and Instagram or, at least, are not active users of both sites.

Most oftheir usersare teenagers (13+) who are actively using Snapchat and spending an average of 30 minutes per day on the site. Women (around 70%) are their top audience. Snapchat could be a good option for you to promote your business, especially if you are in fashion, health, cosmetics, travel, or automotive niches – and better yet, if women or youth comprise your targeted audience.

Snapchat has a huge potential and scope to grow your business. You can take advantage of Stories and ads to promote your business. On top of that, you can collaborate with influencers to boost your followers and results. Snapchat has less competition than other popular platforms like Facebook and has very active users. So you can get good results with Snapchat marketing if you work with a strategy.

3. Twitter

Twitter is the second most popular social media platform that can help you spread your voice to the world and grow your business. Twitter has more than 400 million users.

Below are someinsightsto help you understand the power of Twitter marketing:

  • Twitter is the number one platform for discovery.
  • 79% of Twitter users like to discover "what’s new".
  • 53% of Twitter users like to be the first to buy new products.
  • Twitter usersspend 26% more time to view ads than other platforms.
  • Twitter Ads with videos are 50% cheaper in cost-per-engagement.
  • Users watch 2 billion videos on Twitter each day.

Twitter can be useful for any type of business or industry as it can be used for promotion, organic or paid. An optimized and complete profile, hashtags, images, and videos will all help you grow your following. You can upload videos to a tweet you post or as a reply to a tweet.

On top of this, Twitter is rolling out a new feature calledFleets, which is a stories feature, similar to that of Instagram and Facebook's offerings. Fleets is a new feature, so there are strong chances of higher organic reach you'll be able to garner.

4. Facebook

Facebook is the most popular social media platform with more than two billion active users. Facebook videos get 32 billion views per day. So that makes it clear that you should include videos in your content marketing strategy and also should not ignore Facebook.

Facebook’s organic reach is almost dead. Even your followers or friends can’t find your posts. That makes it hard to spread your message to your audience on Facebook. But it could still be possible with Facebook videos. Facebook videos have more reach than images or text posts.

  • OnFacebook, 75% users watch at least one minute video each day.
  • 85% of videosare watched without sound (sound off).
  • On Facebook, 100 million hours of videos are watched every day.
  • Native videos have 186% more engagement than videos linked from other platforms.
  • Facebook users are 3x more likely to watch live broadcasts.

You can post or share videos on your home page, in your cover photo, and on any groups. Additionally,you can go live on Facebookto connect with your audience in real time.

Facebook Stories are also there to help you reach more people. You can use videos, images, and GIFs, as well as add your link to Facebook Stories to direct viewers to your website. Videos can help you get better results with Facebook ads. You will get more views and engagement with lower costs if you use videos for Facebook marketing.

5. Instagram

Instagram is one of the most popular image-sharing social media platforms. But now it is far ahead than image sharing social sites. Now, Instagram is also a video sharing social media platform.

  • Instagram hasmore than 1 billion active users.
  • Instagram视频是双胞胎ce the engagement than Instagram photos.
  • 60% people say they discovered new productson Instagram.
  • More than 200 million users visit minimum one business profile each day.
  • 1/3 of all stories viewed are from businesses.

There are many ways to use videos on Instagram. You can use videos for Instagram feed posts, Stories, IG Live, and IGTV, which supports horizontal and vertical video formats. Longer videos mean more time to engage your audience and build more trust for your brand. Many brands use IGTV to boost their presence and engagement because it has higher organic reach than other IG post options.

6. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is one of the biggest communities of professionals withmore than 675 million active users. LinkedIn users are more engaged than other leading platforms like Facebook.

Check out thesestatisticsabout LinkedIn videos:

  • LinkedIn videos generate more than 300 million impressions in one year.
  • Videos get 3x more engagement on LinkedIn.
  • LinkedIn Native videos are 5x more likely to spark a conversation with other LinkedIn users.

There are five ways to use videos on LinkedIn:

  • LinkedIn embedded videos:Means the video has been uploaded on another video hosting site like YouTube, and then shared on LinkedIn
  • LinkedIn native ideos:Means the video has been uploaded directly on the LinkedIn platform. LinkedIn native videos work better than LinkedIn embedded videos.
  • Linkedin Live:LinkedIn Live is the same type of feature as Facebook Live. It can help you broadcast a live video to your audience.
  • LinkedIn Ads:You can also use videos for LinkedIn ads. Video ads perform well on LinkedIn than any other ad type.
  • LinkedIn Stories:LinkedIn is in the process of rolling out aStories featurelike Snapchat. Once LinkedIn rolls it out completely, you can use videos for LI Stories.

7. TikTok

TikTok is the newest platform among popular social media platforms, which means marketers haven't fully realized its potential. But that could be a big mistake. You see, TikTok has more than 800 million active users, which means there are a lot of people who you can engage with on the platform.

Here are some otheruseful statistics about TikTok:

  • TikTok is now available in more than 156 countries.
  • An average TikTok user spends 52 minutes on TikTok each day.
  • TikTok用户打开应用程序round 8x per day.
  • The average TikTok session is around 5 minutes, which is more than Snapchat and Instagram.

3 social media video marketing tips to follow

Here are some important tips that you must follow to get success with your social media video marketing efforts.

1. Plan an upfront strategy

Before doing anything, you should plan a strategy for yoursocial media marketingcampaign. Plan everything like video types, number of videos, social media platforms, post schedule, and so on. Your strategy must be according to your goal that you want to achieve with this campaign.

2. Create click-worthy content

If you want to get maximum results from your social media video marketing efforts, you need high-quality content to encourage users to watch the entire video content you put out into the world.

  • Your title and description must be short, attractive, and genuine.
  • Don’t create very short or long videos. Mid-length content performs best.
  • Use the right music and effects according to your business and services.
  • Show your brand logo at the beginning and end of a video.
  • Use native videos on each platform.

3. Use the right CTAs

According to the nature of a video, use the rightcall-to-actionfor every video. For example, if you are publishing a product video then there should be clear calls to action likeshop now, don’t miss this deal, register today,to visit your site and make a purchase. For each and every type of video, ask people to follow you on that platform. You can do cross-promotion.

4. Be consistent

If you are serious about the results then you need to be serious with this campaign. You need to be consistent to get results. Just publishing one video is not enough. If you have a shortage of time then you can use social media schedulers to schedule your posts. But you need to be consistent.

Don’t rely on one platform

To find the right platforms for your campaign marketing, you need to try various platforms. Only one platform is not enough for you to get results. You can publish the same video on multiple platforms, which will ultimately help you choose the right platforms and reduce your marketing budget.

What's more, performingA/B testingfor your campaigns will help you boost your performance and find you better results. It’s the right time to start using videos in your marketing campaigns. In the future, demand and consumption of video content will be continuously growing.

Track the success of your social campaigns throughsocial media monitoring software. See statistics and find out which platforms work best for your needs!

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